Understanding the SASSA Disability Grant: Eligibility, Application, and Benefits

Reviewed by Thabo Mashaba
Fact Check by Pumi Dlamini

Disability not only cripples a person but also makes their life miserable. In such a situation, even a ray of hope sounds like good news for the disabled, promising them a chance at life again. It is in this spirit that SASSA introduced the disability grant.

This grant is for all South African citizens who are either naturally disabled or have become disabled due to an accident.

SASSA has further divided disability into temporary and permanent disability categories. This way, those treated can regain their health and restart their lives.

If you or someone you know suffers from a disability, you must read this SASSA disability grant guide carefully. I have explained everything in detail – the eligibility criteria for the disability grant, the required documents, and the process of getting the grant approved. Let’s discuss

Overview of the SASSA Disability Grant

Financial help is available from the government for persons with disabilities that prevent them from working. This comes in the form of the SASSA disability grant. Further, there are two categories of disability grants.

Grant for Long-Term Disabilities

If tests show that your disability will last over a year, you can apply for a permanent disability grant. You must reapply each year to confirm the disability is still present. The money is to help with living costs since you cannot work.

Grant for Shorter-Term Disabilities

If your disability is expected to last between 6 months and one year, you can apply for a temporary disability grant. This provides money for a set time until you can recover. If the disability continues past one year, you transition to the permanent grant.

To receive either disability grant, medical forms, and tests will be required to prove the presence and expected duration of the disability. The SASSA office can assist with the application process. This financial assistance aims to help disabled persons in South Africa with daily needs.

Who qualifies for SASSA disability grant?

The disability grant from SASSA aims to assist persons in South Africa who cannot work due to physical or mental disability. To receive this help, you must meet certain requirements.

SASSA Disability Grant Eligibility Criteria

You Need to Be a Resident

Only citizens, permanent residents, and recognized refugees living in South Africa can apply.

Your Age Must Be Between 19-59

You need to be at least 19 years old but younger than 59.

You Cannot Get Other Grants

If you have already received another type of SASSA grant, you do not qualify for the disability grant.

You Must Pass a Disability Test

A doctor chosen by SASSA needs to confirm your disability with medical records and tests. This shows if you qualify for the temporary or permanent grant.

You Must Stay Under Income and Asset Limits

Single persons must earn less than R86,280 annually, and married couples less than R172,560. Your assets, like cash and property, also cannot be too high to get the disability grant.

Meeting All the Requirements

You can apply through SASSA for financial assistance when you match everything in the eligibility criteria. This money aims to help cover living costs since your disability stops you from holding a job.

What is the Disability Grant Means Test?

The means test checks if your financial situation qualifies you for the disability grant. SASSA examines your income, assets, and finances to confirm the needed grant.

Income Level Rules

You must earn less than R96,840 per year to pass the means test if you are single. If you are married, your combined income with your spouse cannot be over R193,680 annually.

Asset Value Rules

The value of assets you own, like cash, property, and more, also matters. For single applicants, your total assets should be lower than R1,372,800. And for married people, assets for you and your spouse should stay under R2,745,600.

Meeting the Requirements

Your income, assets, and finances are evaluated with the disability grant, which means test thresholds. You pass the test if you fall under the limits based on your relationship status. This checks that you truly require the monthly grant money.

How to Apply for the Disability Grant?

Finding disability assistance programs can be complicated. The SASSA disability grant provides needed support. Understanding the application process is key. Let’s look at how to apply for the disability grant.

How to Apply for the Disability Grant

Get a Medical Assessment

First, see a doctor chosen by SASSA to evaluate your disability. They will diagnose if you qualify for temporary or permanent help.

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SASSA Reviews Your Situation

The diagnosis alone does not approve the grant. SASSA also confirms your finances and ability to care for yourself before deciding.

Visit a SASSA Office

Once assessed, complete the application form to your nearest SASSA office. You can also apply online through the SASSA website.

Appoint Someone If Needed

If your disability stops you from applying in person, a trusted friend or relative can go on your behalf. They need a note from you and the doctor explaining why.

Complete the Form

SASSA staff will help fill out the form if you struggle. They interview to confirm details and check if you meet the requirements.

Get an Application Receipt

Whether approved yet or not, you will receive a dated stamp receipt with the name of the officer who helped. Keep this to prove you applied.

Waiting for Approval

It takes time to process each application before SASSA decides if you qualify for monthly grant funds. Checks confirm your eligibility.

Using a Trusted Contact

If unable to manage your grant funds, you can appoint a trusted person as your proxy to collect grant payments on your behalf.

What Documents Are Needed to Apply?

When going to SASSA to submit your application, you must bring certain original documents or certified copies. This confirms your eligibility for review.

What Documents Are Needed to Apply

Proof of Identity

Your green, 13-digit bar-coded South African ID book is mandatory. If you lack an ID, SASSA will have you complete an affidavit form sworn under oath about your identity. A community leader must also provide a sworn statement verifying your name and age. SASSA takes fingerprints and sends you to Home Affairs to apply for an ID as they process your case.

Proof of Disability

You need a medical report and functional assessment from the last three months by a SASSA-recognized doctor. This validates your disability.

Marriage Certificates

If married, provide your marriage certificate. If divorced or separated, submit the divorce decree paperwork.

Residence Confirmation

Documents confirming where you currently live.

Financial Paperwork

Pay slips, bank statements, income tax forms, and other finance records related to:

  • Job earnings and pensions
  • Shares, stocks and dividends
  • Property, vehicles, and asset valuations

This shows your income and assets to assess grant eligibility.

Additional Identity Paperwork

Other supplemental paperwork that may support an application includes:

  • Refugee documents, if relevant
  • Past work discharge papers
  • UIF or job insurance forms
  • Death certificate and estate paperwork if a spouse died within 5 years

Career Guidance

As there are requirements to qualify for the disability grant, having an alternate income source is recommended where possible. Seeking career guidance, self-employment tips, leadership opportunities, or similar assistance is wise if your situation and abilities allow it.

Visit SASSA With All the Paperwork

Bring all required original identity, disability, marriage, residence, and financial documents when applying in person for review. This confirms and speeds up the disability grant approval process to receive monthly funds.

How Long To Get Approved?

It typically takes around three months for SASSA to review all disability grant applications and decide on approvals. They confirm eligibility and validate documents and doctor assessments. Once approved, payments are backdated to when you first applied.

If unfortunately rejected, SASSA sends a letter explaining why you did not qualify this time. Be sure to reapply if your situation changes. Stay in contact with SASSA for updates during the 90-day processing period.

Sassa Disability Grant Status Check

After applying for SASSA disability grant funding, you likely want updates on your application status. There are a few easy ways to check whether your grant application was approved, needs more processing, or was unfortunately rejected.

Sassa Disability Grant Status Check

Via Online Tool to Check Your Disability Grant Status 

For accurate, authentic and fast status check for your SASSA disability grant application , get your ID and reference number handy, then visit https://onlinesassastatuscheck.co.za/and enter the details. Your current status will be before you in a second.

Sassa Disability Grant Status Check Online Via Official website

The main SASSA website allows you to register and login to view your grant status. Click on the “Login” link and select “Beneficiary” to enter your ID number and access your disability grant status.

Use the Moya Mobile App

The Moya app by SASSA can also display status updates. Simply download Moya on your phone, allow data collection, enter your ID and grant details, and view the real-time status. As Moya works without mobile data, it assists beneficiaries without data costs.

Send An SMS to SASSA

You can text the number 082-046-8553 to request your disability grant status. Send an SMS with your ID number only, and SASSA’s automated system will reply confirming receipt and your current status.

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Use SASSA WhatsApp Chat Support

For more detailed status updates, start a WhatsApp chat by messaging 082-046-8553. An agent can confirm the latest processing details and expected timelines. WhatsApp avoids phone call charges.

Phone the SASSA Call Center

Call 0800 601 011 to speak to an agent who will verify your ID number and share information on your submitted disability grant application. This toll-free call allows status checks even without airtime.

Stay Up to Date on Your Application

However, you connect to the SASSA website, app, SMS, WhatsApp, or call center, and frequently check for status updates. This ensures you know the progress and, for approved grants, when your first disability grant funds will be available. Reach out to SASSA if major delays occur past service standards.

What If My Application Gets Rejected?

If SASSA, unfortunately, rejects your disability grant but you disagree, first ask them to recheck your application in case of errors. If still denied, you have 90 days to directly appeal the rejection decision to the Ministry of Social Development’s National Department. They independently review your situation and needs. If they overturn the rejection, you get approved. If they uphold SASSA’s denial, request an explanation letter outlining their reasons to understand why you didn’t qualify.

How Disability Grant Money Is Paid Out

Once SASSA approves your application, payment starts from your original application date. SASSA posts the monthly payment schedule online as dates vary.

Choose a Payment Method

Decide how you want to receive funds monthly:

  • Bank account direct deposit
  • Cash withdrawal at partner shops
  • Payment site for care centers

If selecting direct bank deposit, you must complete a consent form and provide the following:

  • ID copy
  • Bank account number in your name
  • 3 months of account statements

You can change methods later by visiting SASSA to fill out paperwork.

Understanding Payment Cycles

Disability grant amounts get loaded onto your chosen method on SASSA’s payment days. The money is reflected on the same day or within 48 hours for bank accounts. Cash outlets update payments early in the morning so you can withdraw during opening hours.

Appointing a Proxy

If unable due to care needs or accessibility challenges, you can assign someone you trust to collect the monthly payments. Complete a proxy form at SASSA providing their details.

Stay Diligent

Check statements for account deposits. Call sites ahead of arrival for cash payments to confirm fund availability and minimize trips. Report concerns over missing funds promptly to SASSA before the next month.

Disability Grant Payment Amounts

The SASSA disability grant provides monthly cash funds to eligible applicants. As of April 1, 2023, the standard disability grant amount increased to R2,080 per month for each recipient. This rate applies unless you have additional private income that reduces your eligible amount.

A further R10 increase takes effect on October 1, 2023 – raising the typical grant total to R2,090 monthly. These regular cash injections offset living costs if a permanent or temporary disability prevents working.

Disability Grant Cost Considerations

The disability grant itself does not have upfront fees or costs to apply. However, obtaining the required medical assessment reports from SASSA-approved doctors carries a fee. Also, consider transaction charges if receiving funds into a personal bank account monthly. Transport expenses to apply and collect grants should be accounted for as well. So, support costs exist despite the monthly money being free once approved.

Sassa Disability Grant Balance Check

Once you start receiving monthly disability grant funds, checking your remaining balance is important. This allows you to manage the money and budget effectively each month. You can easily verify your available balance using these methods:

  • Call the SASSA toll-free number at 0800 601 011
  • Use any ATM, but remember you will have to pay bank fees here
  • Dial 1203210# or 12069277# on your phone
  • Chat to SASSA WhatsApp at 082 046 8553

Checking your balance regularly lets you track disability grant spending and plan finances responsibly. Reach out to SASSA if you encounter any issues.

Understanding SASSA Disability Grant Reviews

SASSA does periodic reviews to confirm disability grant beneficiaries still qualify based on the following:

  • Income and asset thresholds
  • Disability status
  • Being alive to receive funds

This ensures public money goes to eligible recipients.

Getting Notified About Reviews

SASSA sends written notices three months before and states the date, time, and place of your review meeting. This gives you time to prepare paperwork.

Annual Verification For Banks/Proxies

If you receive funds into an account or through an appointed proxy, you must submit an annual life certificate at SASSA proving you are still alive. This allows ongoing grant payments.

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Home Visits If Bedridden

If you cannot travel for reviews, SASSA officials will visit your home instead when notified to evaluate your situation.

Expiring Refugee Status

For refugees, grant reviews happen when their status nears expiration to confirm extension approvals.

Have Paperwork Ready

Keep your details like income, disability, and contact information current with SASSA for easy reviews. If you fail to attend or cannot verify eligibility, your grant may get suspended while clarifying your case.

Why Grants Can Be Suspended?

SASSA may temporarily suspend further disability grant payments if:

  • Your financial situation or disability improves
  • You gave false application information
  • You missed review meetings or didn’t cooperate
  • A review finds you no longer qualify
  • An administrative error wrongly approved you

Knowing the most common causes of grant suspension allows you to avoid them by responsibly reporting changes and cooperating with reviews.

Getting Your Grant Reinstated

If you feel your disability grant was wrongly suspended, you can appeal to the Ministry of Social Development. You have 90 days from the suspension date to submit the appeal case. The National Department will independently investigate your situation. If they find the suspension was made in error, they instruct SASSA to reinstate grant payments. This allows one to dispute unfair suspensions and get help restored when still eligible.

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Why Disability Grants Can Lapse

There are a variety of situations that may cause your approved disability grant to lapse, requiring reapplication:

  • Traveling outside South Africa over 90 days without notice
  • Not collecting payments for three straight months
  • Passing away
  • Temporary grant period ending
  • Failing to prove you are still alive from annual reviews
  • Admission into full government care for over four months
  • No longer meeting income or asset eligibility thresholds

State Care Provisions

If entering state-sponsored housing, hospital, or jail for over four months, your grant reduces to 25% instead of fully lapsing. Once discharged, the full amount gets reinstated.

Resuming Lapsed Payments

If you failed to collect payments for 1-3 months, notify SASSA to resume the grant. After 90 days of non-collection, you must reapply instead.

Stay Compliant

Avoid situations leading to grant cancellation by cooperating with reviews, giving travel notices, keeping SASSA updated on address and income changes, and collecting monthly payments.

What Disability Grant Holders Must Do?

If you get approved for monthly SASSA funds due to a disability, there are certain responsibilities you must uphold:

1. Report Any Changes

Immediately inform SASSA if there are new developments affecting your grant eligibility related to:

  • Income and financial status
  • Physical or mental health conditions
  • Contact details and physical address

Keeping your details current avoids payment issues from outdated information.

2. Provide Correct Information

All details shared must be accurate, as SASSA does not tolerate fraudulent actions.

3. Keep In Contact

Ensure you receive and read important notices SASSA sends by mail or SMS to your submitted details. Failure to do so can risk your grant being unintentionally suspended when you can’t respond to reviews or requests.

Staying Compliant With Requirements

Responsibly fulfill beneficiary duties around reporting and information accuracy outlined here. This maintains your good standing to keep getting the monthly disability grant funds you rely on.

Final Verdict

The SASSA disability grant provides crucial financial aid for South Africans whose physical or mental health issues prevent employment. Meeting the eligibility criteria and having medical confirmations allows persons with long or short-term disabilities to apply. 

If approved, ongoing compliance with reviews enables access to regular funds that assist in covering living costs. Seek guidance from SASSA directly if needing to pursue a disability grant. Stay current on 2024 amount changes and ensure you understand all responsibilities as a beneficiary.

Frequently Asked Questions

You may qualify if you are aged 18-59, a SA citizen/permanent resident/refugee, pass a means test, and have a confirmed physical or mental disability preventing employment for over six months.

As of April 1, 2023, the monthly amount is R2,080 per individual. It increases by R10 to R2,090 from October 1, 2023.

You need a recent medical report, functional assessment, and disability confirmation by a doctor from the last three months before applying.

Your grant can be suspended if you no longer meet eligibility criteria due to income changes or improved health. It can also be halted if you miss grant reviews.

You can check your disability grant application status by phoning the SASSA call center, using the Moya app, sending an SMS or WhatsApp message, or visiting a SASSA office.