SASSA Referred Status – A Comprehensive Guide

Even if someone fulfills all the requirements for a SASSA grant, their application might still be put in the “referred” category. This happens when SASSA’s verification team finds something suspicious in the application records.

SASSA uses a linked system called SAFPS to verify the applicant’s ID, phone number, or other details. If any suspicious activity is noticed, your SRD R350 application is flagged right away.

Keep in mind that the SASSA referred status can also show up sometimes due to a glitch in the system. So, if the applicant is not involved in any kind of fraud matters, they can contact SASSA and SAFPS immediately to get their problem solved.

If you don’t know the reasons for the referred status, how to address it, and much more, then this article is very suitable for you. Read it carefully.

Understanding the SASSA Referred Status

When your SASSA application shows a “referred” status, it means that SASSA has some doubts about your application. They are holding it back to do an internal check and make sure everything is correct.

During this review, your SRD R350 application might be marked for a fraud risk check. But this doesn’t always mean there is a problem. Sometimes, SASSA will randomly choose applications for a more detailed review.

Along with this, SASSA will review your application to see if there is any risk of fraud. They will check your contact number, Identity,, and related information against different databases that keep records of criminal and fraud activities. One of these databases is the South African Fraud Prevention Services (SAFPS).

Exploring the Common Reasons Behind a SASSA Referred Status

Receiving a referred status from SASSA can be disheartening. However, understanding the common reasons behind it is crucial. Addressing these issues promptly can expedite the approval process. Let’s see why applications often get referred.

Missing Email or Phone Number

If you didn’t include your email or phone number in your application, it might be the reason why your status shows as “referred.” Make sure you have added your correct email and phone number to your SASSA application. If they are not there or if they are old, please update them.

ID Document Matches Other Databases

Another reason why your application might show a “referred” status is if your personal data, and other identity details are found in other government databases. For example, your details match with NSFAS, SARS, UIF and any other department databases, it might look like you are already getting some kind of support from the government, which could cause your SASSA application to be referred for further checking.

Incomplete or Incorrect Documents

Sometimes, you might see the status “referred” because the documents you sent to SASSA were not complete or had mistakes. To prevent this, always double-check that your documents are correct and up-to-date. If SASSA needs you to send extra documents or proof, do it as fast as possible so your application doesn’t get slowed down.

Duplicate Applications

If you send your SRD grant form many times or complete several SASSA grant applications with identical information, the SASSA system will interpret this as an attempt to deceive them, and your application will be marked as suspicious. SASSA only considers one application per ID number. 

Therefore, it’s essential not to submit your application more than once. Doing so will only complicate the process and will not result in a faster approval of your application.

Suspected Fraud Activity

If your name is on the South African Fraud Prevention Services (SAFPS) list or any other crime list, your status will show up as “referred” so they can double-check your info. If your name is on their list by mistake, you can ask SAFPS to remove it.

If you can’t find your SASSA card or if someone takes your phone, let SASSA know as soon as possible. This will stop anyone from using your account to cheat the system. SASSA will quickly block any fake activity and work with you to make sure you keep getting your grant money.

Mistake in Changing Banking Details

Sometimes, your status might say “referred” if you make a mistake when changing your bank account details or if you give SASSA someone else’s bank information by accident. SASSA is not allowed to send your grant money to another person’s account. 

To avoid this problem, always double-check that you are giving SASSA the right bank account details that belong to you.

Getting a New SASSA Card or Renewing an Old One

One of the reasons your SASSA status say “Referred” is giving SASSA the wrong information accidentally to get a new SASSA card or renew your old one.

These are all the usual reasons why your SASSA status might say “referred.” There could be other reasons too, but you’ll need to contact SASSA to find out for sure.

How to Address a ‘Referred Status’ on Your SASSA Application

If your SASSA R350 grant status is referred, don’t worry. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to solve this problem.

Step 1: Find Out Why Your Status is Referred

First, try to figure out why your status is referred. If you can’t, contact SASSA in one of these ways:

  1. Call SASSA’s helpline at 0800 60 10 11. Choose the option to speak to a person. Give them your application number, ID number, and phone number. They’ll tell you why your status is referred and how to fix it.
  2. Message SASSA on WhatsApp at 0820468553. They’ll ask for your information and tell you why your status is referred and what to do next.
  3. Go to a SASSA office in person. Bring your ID, application ID, and phone number. Wait in line and ask the official why your status is referred. They’ll explain and tell you how to solve it.

Step 2: Fix the Problem

If SASSA says your application was chosen randomly for a detailed check, you don’t need to do anything. If there’s a problem with your application, follow SASSA’s instructions to fix it.

Often, the issue is because your name is in the SAFPS (South African Fraud Prevention Services) database. If you think this is a mistake, contact SAFPS and ask them to remove your name. If they agree that you have no fraud history, they’ll remove it.

Sometimes, SASSA might ask you to visit their office for biometric verification.

Step 3: Email SASSA with Proof

After fixing the problem, email SASSA at [email protected] with proof that you’ve solved the issue. SASSA will review your request and update your status. This can take up to 2 weeks.

After going through all the steps mentioned above, now you know how to fix your referred SASSA R350 grant status.

What is the Status “Referred SAFPS”?

When your status shows “referred_safps,” it’s almost like saying “referred.” It doesn’t mean your application was randomly chosen for a check. Instead, it suggests that your ID number, phone number, or personal info might have been linked to fraud or risky stuff.

It might sound scary, but if you didn’t do anything wrong, there’s no need to fret. Sometimes, your info ends up in SAFPS records by mistake.

To fix this, just follow the steps I mentioned earlier. Get in touch with SAFPS and ask them to remove your name from their list.

What Does ‘Referred Linked Risk Mobile’ Indicate in SASSA Processes?

Sometimes SAFPS thinks your phone number might be linked to bad things. This is what “Referred Linked Risk Mobile” means. If you didn’t do any risky or fraudulent activity,you should not panic.

Jusy contact SAFPS. Ask them to remove your name from the list. When they remove your name, send proof to SASSA. Use this email: [email protected].

Additional Steps to Take if Your SASSA Status is Referred

Knowing the right approach can make a significant difference. Let’s see the potential actions to consider if your application is referred.

Contacting SASSA for Clarification

If your SASSA status says “referred,” call SASSA. Ask them why. They will tell you what the problem is. Listen carefully and write down what they say.

Gathering and Reviewing Required Documentation

SASSA may need more information from you. They will tell you what papers to bring. Make sure you have all the papers they need. Check that the information on the papers is correct.

Following Up on Your Application

After you give SASSA the papers, wait a few days. Then call SASSA again. Ask if they got your papers. Ask if they need anything else. Keep calling until they tell you if your application is approved or not.

Preventing Future SASSA Application Referrals

Avoiding future SASSA application referrals is important to streamline the process. Careful preparation and adherence to guidelines can minimize the chances. Let’s see how to prevent SASSA referrals and expedite approvals.

  • Double-check all information: Before submitting, carefully review your application to ensure all details are accurate and complete.
  • Provide valid documents: Make sure all required documents, like ID, proof of address, and income statements, are valid, clear, and up-to-date.
  • Report any changes: If your situation changes, such as your address or income, inform SASSA promptly to avoid discrepancies.
  • Meet the criteria: Ensure you meet all the eligibility requirements for the grant you’re applying for.
  • Apply in person: If possible, submit your application in person at a SASSA office to ensure it’s received and to address any issues on the spot.
  • Follow up: After submitting, follow up with SASSA to check your application status and address any concerns quickly.
  • Be honest: Provide truthful information to avoid delays or rejection due to inconsistencies or false details.

By following these guidelines, you can minimize the chances of your SASSA application being referred, helping to ensure a smoother process.

Wrapping It Up

Dealing with a referred status on your SASSA application can be stressful and confusing. However, by understanding the common reasons behind a referred status and taking the necessary steps to address it, you can ensure that your application is processed successfully. 

Remember to gather all required documents, communicate with SASSA for clarification, and follow up on your application regularly. By doing so, you can minimize the risk of future referrals and access the social grants you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you do not provide the requested information or documents within the specified timeframe, your application may be rejected or closed. It’s crucial to respond promptly to any requests from SASSA to ensure that your application can be processed successfully. 

If you are unable to provide the requested information or need more time, contact SASSA to discuss your options.

If you haven’t received any communication from SASSA about your referred application, it’s best to contact them directly. You can visit your local SASSA office or call their customer service hotline to inquire about the status of your application and any additional steps you may need to take

A referred status on a previous application does not necessarily affect your eligibility for future grants. However, it is essential to address the reasons for the referral and provide accurate information on all future applications to avoid potential issues

The processing time for a referred application can vary depending on the specific reason for the referral and the complexity of the case. It is best to contact SASSA directly for an estimated timeline.

Pumi Dlamini

Pumi Dlamini, our Chief Operating Officer since 2021, brings over 10 years of experience in communications and government services. Her focus is on providing clear, accessible information about SASSA grants to South Africans. Pumi is dedicated to empowering citizens through knowledge and holds a master’s degree in public administration. She is also involved in non-profit boards supporting education access and enjoys mentoring youth in her free time.